There are friends for a season and friends for all seasons. We just had a visit from the latter. Julia and I met at a La Leche League meeting when J. was 8 months and her daughter K. was 4 months. We sat next to each other on the floor and our children drooled all over each other and each other's toys. They would literally pull a toy out of the other's hand/mouth and put it in their own. Quite cute. Julia and I assured each other repeatedly that our children weren't sick. A beautiful friendship started that evening. Our children loved playing with each other and Julia and I, well the Lord blessed me mightily by bringing Julia into my life.
In 2004 (that long ago?!) Julia and her family moved back to New York, where they were from originally. We have been out to see them every couple of years and keep in touch via phone and email. I am happy to say that there is never that awkward reacquainting time. She and I pick up where we left off and so do the kids. They were back recently for a funeral for a very close friend, and we were happy to be able to see them for a brief time.
Ours and our friends from New York
We have been blessed with good friends since we began homeschooling. Some have been for a season and some have become friends for all seasons. It was a concern when we began since J. was leaving Christian school and a class of friends he had known since kindergarten. I am happy to report, as is he, that the friends he has made since homeschooling have been true friends. There is no pressure by the friends to conform to some arbitrary, worldly expectation. Instead each is appreciated for their different gifts and talents and they are encouraging of one another. I know this sounds Pollyannaish, but that is what we have found in our lives. And we are blessed and I am grateful.
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