OK I'm doing it. I'm Blogging. I feel so techno. I'm not technologically gifted. If I get on the computer to get my mail and check the headlines I feel like Steve Jobs (we're Mac users around here). I'm also not a writer. I don't do it well. I'm sure you recognized that very soon after beginning to read this. So why am I doing this? Well, we just began homeschooling in September and I figure this is a good way to record our adventures. Of course, that would require me to blog more often than once every 4 or 5 months. I'll do my best.
We are a family of four: Dad, Mom and two delightful, if challenging sons. J is 9 years old going on 50, and D is 6 years old going on, well it depends on the day. We, meaning me, enjoy homeschooling very much. The boys are getting used to it. J was in Christian school from preschool through third grade, so it is a big adjustment for him. He misses his friends and the recesses. He is a born learner so he will learn no matter where he is. During his Christmas vacation in third grade he told me he didn't like vacations because he missed his education. A proud mom moment.
D went to one year of 3 day 4 yr. old preschool. He seems to think that all school should be like that and complains greatly about all the work he has to do (all 3 or 4 subjects done in about 2 hours total). It's a hard life. J tries to tell D he's got it easy but nothing will convince him. I am the driving task master.
I was (and still am) very excited about homeschooling. I believe the Lord led us to homeschooling and is and will bless us through it. Nonetheless, it's definitely a big adjustment. After two weeks of D constantly telling me, and anyone else who would listen or ask, he didn't like homeschooling I finally was able to convince him that it really was easier homeschooling than going to school every day. A sigh of relief. The next day J says, "Mom, I don't want to offend you, but after this year of homeschooling could I go back to school?" I left the room and was a sobbing what-have-done-I-can't-do-this mess. I called my husband and he was able to talk me down. He suggested lots of field trips and easing up a little. Bless him. That's my first homeschooling story. I have another that I'll save for another day.
This was fun and cathartic. I do hope I'll do this again soon.